Eventos de Lutas

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UFC Fight Night: Adesanya vs Imavov

01/02/2025 - Israel Adesanya vs Nassourdine Imavov

Eventos de Luta

Acompanhe os principais eventos de artes marciais e resultados.

Two fighters engage in a mixed martial arts match within a caged ring. They are wearing protective gear, including gloves and shin guards, and are surrounded by spectators watching intently. Harsh lighting from above casts shadows on the fighters and the mat.
Two fighters engage in a mixed martial arts match within a caged ring. They are wearing protective gear, including gloves and shin guards, and are surrounded by spectators watching intently. Harsh lighting from above casts shadows on the fighters and the mat.
a man standing on one leg in a gym
a man standing on one leg in a gym
man in black and white striped long sleeve shirt
man in black and white striped long sleeve shirt
shallow focus photo of two man playing taekwondo
shallow focus photo of two man playing taekwondo
Two martial artists are practicing grappling techniques on a mat in a spacious training facility. The scene takes place under a high ceiling with exposed beams and bright lighting. Both individuals are wearing white martial arts uniforms, and the setting suggests a focus on physical technique and dynamic movement. Other people are visible in the background, engaged in similar training activities.
Two martial artists are practicing grappling techniques on a mat in a spacious training facility. The scene takes place under a high ceiling with exposed beams and bright lighting. Both individuals are wearing white martial arts uniforms, and the setting suggests a focus on physical technique and dynamic movement. Other people are visible in the background, engaged in similar training activities.
A martial artist is kneeling with their hands placed on their thighs. The black belt around their waist features gold embroidered characters. The lighting is dramatic, highlighting parts of the uniform and creating a sense of focus and intensity.
A martial artist is kneeling with their hands placed on their thighs. The black belt around their waist features gold embroidered characters. The lighting is dramatic, highlighting parts of the uniform and creating a sense of focus and intensity.